Thursday, 17 October 2013

Techniques to improve the accuracy of your Predictive Models

I did a presentation at the MelbURN R User Group last night on a few techniques to improve the accuracy of your predictive models and also talked a bit about the Heritage Health Prize story and how our win unfolded. The video of the talk is below and the R code I used in the simulations below that.

You will probably be able to enhance the code and make it more efficient. If you do, please let us all know.

Thanks for all your positive feedback - hope you all had an enjoyable night.

Code from the presentation

Footy Tipping

# Footy Tipping Simulation
# Ensembling of Tipsters
# Phil Brierley
# Oct 2013

#clean all objects from memory

# adjustable parameters to set
Number_of_Tipsters <- 12
Number_of_Games <- 2000
Number_ofSeasons <- 100
Tipster_Strength <- 0.6

#simulation each season
for (Season in 1:Number_ofSeasons){

    #gernerate random tips
    Results = matrix(rbinom(Number_of_Games*Number_of_Tipsters,1,Tipster_Strength),Number_of_Games,Number_of_Tipsters)

    #majority vote = median score
    Results[,Number_of_Tipsters] <- apply(Results[,1:(Number_of_Tipsters-1)],1,median)

    #find the mean score per tipster over the season
    seasonSummary <- apply(Results,2,mean)

    #stack the seasons together
    if (Season == 1) {
      runningSummary <- seasonSummary
    } else {
      runningSummary <- rbind(runningSummary,seasonSummary)

} #Number_ofSeasons

#give the columns sensible names
colnames(Results)[1:Number_of_Tipsters] <- paste('Tipster',1:Number_of_Tipsters)
colnames(Results)[Number_of_Tipsters] <- paste('Majority Vote')
colnames(runningSummary) <- colnames(Results)

#plot the results
bestPunter <-  apply(runningSummary[,1:(Number_of_Tipsters-1)],1,max)

     ,ylim=c(Tipster_Strength - 0.1,1)
     ,ylab='% of Games Correct')

bp <- mean(bestPunter)
mv <- mean(runningSummary[,Number_of_Tipsters])

       , inset=.05
       , c(paste("Majority Vote (avg=",mv,")"),paste("Best Tipster (avg=",bp,")"),paste('expected (',Tipster_Strength,')'))
plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-1

Footy Tipping Parallel

I think there is a 'parallel' package in base R now also.
library(help = "parallel")

# Footy Tipping Simulation
# Ensembling of Tipsters
# Parallel Version
# Phil Brierley
# Oct 2013

#clean all objects from memory

#set memory
memsize <- 3200
if (memory.limit() < memsize)  memory.limit(size=memsize)

#parameters to set
Number_of_Tipsters <- 12
Number_of_Games <- 20000
Number_ofSeasons <- 100
Tipster_Strength <- 0.6
threads <- 8 #depends on how many processors you have

# main function to simulate a season
simulateSeason <- function(f){

  #gernerate random tips
  Results = matrix(rbinom(Number_of_Games*Number_of_Tipsters,1,Tipster_Strength),Number_of_Games,Number_of_Tipsters)

  #my tip is a majority vote - hence median score
  Results[,Number_of_Tipsters] <- apply(Results[,1:(Number_of_Tipsters-1)],1,median)

  #find the mean score per tipster over the season
  seasonSummary <- apply(Results,2,mean)

#end of function

# the parallel stuff

#load library

#initiate clusters
sfInit(parallel = TRUE, cpus = threads, type = "SOCK")
sfExport(list = c("Number_of_Games","Number_of_Tipsters","Tipster_Strength"))

#start the clock
timeStart <- Sys.time() 

#do the calculation in parallel
seasonSummary <- sfClusterApplyLB(1:Number_ofSeasons, simulateSeason)

#stack results together into a data frame
runningSummary <-, seasonSummary)
colnames(runningSummary) <- paste('punter',1:ncol(runningSummary))
colnames(runningSummary)[ncol(runningSummary)] <- paste('ensemble')

#record the time it took
totTime <-  as.numeric(Sys.time() - timeStart, units = "secs")
myText <- paste('Avg calculation time per season = ', formatC(totTime/ Number_ofSeasons,digits=2,format='f') ,'seconds')

#stop clusters

#plot the results
bestPunter <-  apply(runningSummary[,1:(Number_of_Tipsters-1)],1,max)
     ,ylim=c(Tipster_Strength - 0.1,1)
     ,ylab='% of Games Correct'

bp <- mean(bestPunter)
mv <- mean(runningSummary[,Number_of_Tipsters])

       ,c(paste("Majority Vote (avg=",mv,")")
       ,paste("Best Tipster (avg=",bp,")")
       ,paste('expected (',Tipster_Strength,')'))
plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-2

Model Synergy

# If two models have the same RMSE error
# but are different, what do we get by
# averaging them?
# Phil Brierley
# Oct 2013

#clean all objects from memory

#number of cases
cases <- 100000

#how much worse is one model than the other
worseness_factor = 1.0

#generate random errors
errors1 <- rnorm(cases,0,1)
errors2 <- rnorm(cases,0,1) * worseness_factor

#average the 2
errorsAve <- (errors1 + errors2)/2

#calculate then RMSE
rmse1 <-  sqrt(sum(errors1 * errors1)/cases)
rmse2 <-  sqrt(sum(errors2 * errors2)/cases)
rmseAve <-  sqrt(sum(errorsAve * errorsAve)/cases)

# plot the results

op <- par(mfrow=c(2,2))

#histogram of errors
bp <- barplot(c(rmse1,rmse2,rmseAve)
        ,ylim =c(0,1.1*max(rmse1,rmse2,rmseAve))
axis(side = 1, at = bp, labels = c('model1','model2','modelAverage'))

#lineplot of errors
num <- 25

#error distribution
br <- seq(from=min(errorsAve,errors2),to=max(errorsAve,errors2),length.out=100)
hist(errorsAve,breaks=br,col=rgb(0,0,1,1/4),xlab='error',main='error distribution')
legend("topright", inset=.05, c('model1','averaged models'), fill=c(rgb(1,0,0,1/4),rgb(0,0,1,1/4)), horiz=FALSE)

#scatterplot of errors
plot(errors1,errors2,main=paste('correlation=',cor(errors1,errors2)),xlab='model1 errors',ylab='model2 errors')
plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-3

Model Synergy but varying correlation

# If two models have the same RMSE error
# but are different, what do we get by
# averaging them?
# What happens as the correlation between the
# two models changes
# Phil Brierley
# Oct 2013

#clean all objects from memory
#memsize <- 6400
#if (memory.limit() < memsize)  memory.limit(size=memsize)

cases <- 1000
number_of_correlations_to_test <- 20
threads <- 8
worseness_factor = 1.3

errors1 <- rnorm(cases,0,1)
correlations <- seq(from=0,to=1, length.out = number_of_correlations_to_test)

# function to generate a correlated variable
generateCorrelatedVariable <- function(x1,rho){

  if (rho==1) return(x1)

  #adapted from  

  n     <- length(x1)                    # length of vector
  #rho   <- 0.8                   # desired correlation = cos(angle)
  theta <- acos(rho)             # corresponding angle
  #x1    <- rnorm(n, 1, 1)        # fixed given data
  x2    <- rnorm(n, 1, 1)      # new random data
  X     <- cbind(x1, x2)         # matrix
  Xctr  <- scale(X, center=TRUE, scale=FALSE)   # centered columns (mean 0)

  Id   <- diag(n)                               # identity matrix
  Q    <- qr.Q(qr(Xctr[ , 1, drop=FALSE]))      # QR-decomposition, just matrix Q
  P    <- tcrossprod(Q)          # = Q Q'       # projection onto space defined by x1
  x2o  <- (Id-P) %*% Xctr[ , 2]                 # x2ctr made orthogonal to x1ctr
  Xc2  <- cbind(Xctr[ , 1], x2o)                # bind to matrix
  Y    <- Xc2 %*% diag(1/sqrt(colSums(Xc2^2)))  # scale columns to length 1

  x <- Y[ , 2] + (1 / tan(theta)) * Y[ , 1]     # final new vector


# function to calculate the errors
calcErrors <- function(myCorrelation){

  errors2 <- worseness_factor * scale(generateCorrelatedVariable(errors1,myCorrelation)) 

  #average the 2
  errorsAve <- (errors1 + errors2)/2

  #calculate then RMSE
  cases <- length(errors1)
  rmse1 <-  sqrt(sum(errors1 * errors1)/cases)
  rmse2 <-  sqrt(sum(errors2 * errors2)/cases)
  rmseAve <-  sqrt(sum(errorsAve * errorsAve)/cases)

  #return the results

# the parallel stuff

#load library

#initiate clusters
sfInit(parallel = TRUE, cpus = threads, type = "SOCK")

sfExport(list = c("errors1","generateCorrelatedVariable","calcErrors","worseness_factor"))

#do the calculation in parallel
allErrors <- sfClusterApplyLB(correlations,calcErrors)

#stack results together into a data frame
allErrors <-, allErrors)

colnames(allErrors) <- c('correlation','error1','error2','errorAve')

#stop clusters

# plot the results
yrange <- c(min(allErrors$errorWeighted,allErrors$errorAve,allErrors$error1,allErrors$error2),max(allErrors$errorWeighted,allErrors$errorAve,allErrors$error1,allErrors$error2))
     ,xlab='correlation between the two models'
     ,ylab='RMS Error'
     ,main='The less correlated the two models, the more synergy when averaged'
legend("left", inset=.05, c('model1','model2','average'), fill=c('blue','black','red'), horiz=FALSE)
plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-4

Variable Importance

# A generic method to calculate the importance
# of variables in any model
# Phil Brierley
# Oct 2013

#clean all objects from memory

#set memory
memsize <- 3200
if (memory.limit() < memsize)  memory.limit(size=memsize)


#parameters to set

#what model are we building
modTypes <- vector()
modTypes[1] = 'linear_regression'
modTypes[2] = 'neural_net'
modTypes[3] = 'gbm'
modTypes[4] = 'random_forest'

#a number >-=0 and < 1
deletion_threshold <- 0.05 

#for data set generation
Number_of_Useful_Variables <- 10
Number_of_Junk_Variables <- 10
Number_of_Records <- 1000
Number_of_Removed_Useful_Variables <- 0
Include_Junk_Variables <- TRUE

#importance testing loops
numloopsImportance <- 100  

#train test split
Train_Percent <- 0.5

threads <- 8

# error function
calc_error <- function(act,pred){

  aact <- as.matrix(act)
  ppred <- as.matrix(pred)

  return (sqrt(colSums(((ppred) - (aact)) ^ 2) / nrow(aact)))


#generate a data set

#set seed if you want to regenerate the same data set

useful <- matrix(runif(Number_of_Records*Number_of_Useful_Variables,0,1),Number_of_Records,Number_of_Useful_Variables)
junk <- matrix(runif(Number_of_Records*Number_of_Junk_Variables,0,1),Number_of_Records,Number_of_Junk_Variables)

colnames(useful) <- paste('useful',1:ncol(useful),sep="_")
colnames(junk) <- paste('junk',1:ncol(junk),sep="_")

#create the target
useful_weightings <- sort(runif(Number_of_Useful_Variables,0,1),decreasing=TRUE)
target <- useful %*% useful_weightings

#remove some useful variables 
useful <- useful[,1:(Number_of_Useful_Variables-Number_of_Removed_Useful_Variables)]

#create a data set
if (Include_Junk_Variables){
  myData <- data.frame(cbind(useful,junk,target))
} else {
  myData <- data.frame(cbind(useful,target))

#target - what we are predicting
theTarget <- 'target'

targindex <- ncol(myData)
colnames(myData)[targindex] <- theTarget 

# divide data set into train and test
trainrows <- runif(nrow(myData)) < Train_Percent
if(length(which(trainrows)) < 2) stop('not enough training cases')
testrows <- !trainrows

# function for calculating variable importance

varImporatnce <- function(variable){

  #initialse the errors
  errorTrain <- 0
  errorTest <- 0

  #copy this variable data
  temp <- myData[,variable]

  for(i in 1:numloopsImportance){  

    #scramble the values of this variable
    myData[,variable] <- temp[order(runif(length(temp)))]

    #calculate the predictions
    if (modType == 'neural_net'){
       predictions <- predict(model,newdata=myData[,-targindex],type='raw')

    if (modType == 'linear_regression'){
      predictions <- predict(model, myData)

    if (modType == 'random_forest'){
      predictions <- predict(model, myData,type="response")

    if (modType == 'gbm'){
      predictions <- predict.gbm(model, myData[,-targindex],type="response",n.trees = model$n.trees)

    #calculate the error
    errorTest <- errorTest + calc_error(myData[testrows,theTarget],predictions[testrows])
    errorTrain <- errorTrain + calc_error(myData[trainrows,theTarget],predictions[trainrows])

  #return average train and test error


# set up multithreading
library(snowfall) #for parallel processing
sfInit(parallel = TRUE, cpus = threads, type = "SOCK")

sfExport(list = c('myData','trainrows','testrows','numloopsImportance','calc_error','theTarget','targindex'))


variables <- setdiff(colnames(myData),theTarget)
candidates_for_deletion <- NULL

for (modType in modTypes){

  #build a model

  if (modType == 'linear_regression'){
    model <- lm(as.formula(paste(theTarget, " ~ . ")) 
                , data=myData[trainrows,])
    basePredictions <-  predict(model, myData)

  if (modType == 'neural_net'){
    model <- nnet(x=myData[trainrows,-targindex]
    basePredictions <- predict(model,newdata=myData[,-targindex],type='raw')


  if (modType == 'random_forest'){
    model <- randomForest(x= myData[trainrows,-targindex]
    basePredictions <-  predict(model,myData,type="response")

  if (modType == 'gbm'){
  model <- gbm(as.formula(paste(theTarget, " ~ . ")),         # formula
      data=myData[trainrows,],                   # dataset
      distribution="gaussian",     # see the help for other choices
      n.trees=1000,                # number of trees
      shrinkage=0.05,              # shrinkage or learning rate,,              # keep a copy of the dataset with the object
      verbose=FALSE,               # don't print out progress
      n.cores=1)                   # use only a single core (detecting #cores is # error-prone, so avoided here)

      basePredictions <- predict.gbm(object=model, newdata=myData[,-targindex],type="response",n.trees = model$n.trees)


  #calculate the error
  full_Train_Error <- calc_error(myData[trainrows,theTarget],basePredictions[trainrows])
  full_Test_Error <- calc_error(myData[testrows,theTarget],basePredictions[testrows])

  #Export model to threads
  sfExport(list = c('modType','model'))
  if (modType == 'neural_net') sfLibrary(nnet)
  if (modType == 'random_forest') sfLibrary(randomForest)         
  if (modType == 'gbm') sfLibrary(gbm)    

# calculate variable importance
s <- sfClusterApplyLB(variables,varImporatnce)
s <-,s)
colnames(s) <- c('Train','Test')
row.names(s) <- variables

#get the full model error
s$Train <- s$Train / full_Train_Error
s$Test <- s$Test / full_Test_Error

#scale to 0-1
myRows <- which(s$Train > 1)
s[myRows,c('Train')] <- s[myRows,c('Train')] / max(s$Train)
s[-myRows,c('Train')] <-0

myRows <- which(s$Test > 1)
s[myRows,c('Test')] <- s[myRows,c('Test')] / max(s$Test)
s[-myRows,c('Test')] <-0

#pick candidates for deletion based on a threshold
my_candidates_for_deletion <- rownames(s[which(s$Test < deletion_threshold),])  
candidates_for_deletion <- c(my_candidates_for_deletion,candidates_for_deletion)

#get the ranking of each variable
s1 <- s
s1 <- s1[order(s1$Test,decreasing = TRUE),]
s1$Rank <- 1:nrow(s1)
colnames(s1)[ncol(s1)] <- paste('Rank',modType,sep="_")
s1 <-s1[order(row.names(s1)),]

#combine the rankings  
if (modType == modTypes[1]){
  rankings <- s1[ncol(s1)]
} else {
  rankings <- cbind(rankings,s1[ncol(s1)])

# plot the chart
s <- s[order(s$Test),]
x <- barplot(as.matrix(t(s))
             ,main = paste(modType,'variable importance\nTrain RMSE =', formatC(full_Train_Error,digits = 5,format='f'),'\nTest RMSE = ',formatC(full_Test_Error,digits = 5,format='f'))
             ,axes = FALSE
             ,axisnames = FALSE)

} #end looping through model types
plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-5 plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-5 plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-5 plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-5

#end multithreading

#plot the candidates for deletion
barplot(sort(table(candidates_for_deletion)),main='Unimportant Variables',ylab='Votes',xlab='Variable Name')
plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-5

#plot average ranking
d <- sort(rowMeans(rankings),decreasing = TRUE)
x <- barplot(
    ,main='Average Variable Ranking'
    ,xlab='Average Rank'
    ,axes = TRUE
    ,axisnames = FALSE
text(0.5,x+0.05,formatC(d,digits = 1,format='f'),col='blue',cex=0.8)
plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-5