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2019 << previous post (getting the data) next>> |
Below is some R code to generate a valid submission file for a very simple strategy.
Is up to you to find the strategies that will give the highest returns.
In the next post we'll introduce the leaderboard where you can upload your strategies to.
# sample R code for the 2019 Melbourne Datathon that will
# generate a valid submission file.
#define where the data is & load
dataFolder <- "D:/buylowsellhigh/downloaded/"
theDataFile <- paste0(dataFolder,"melbdatathon2019_buylowsellhigh.csv")
dt <- fread(theDataFile)
# strategy settings
feePerc <- 0.0015 #fixed const for the competition
longThresh <- 0.002 #the value the prediction has to be higher than
longRemainWindow <- 12 #the number of hours to remain in a trade
# flag if the criteria for entry is passed
dt[,longEntry := 0]
dt[Lpred7b >= longThresh, longEntry := 1]
# set the exit times
exitLongs <- subset(dt,longEntry == 1,select = c('keys_pair','minutesSinceStart'))
exitLongs[,minutesSinceStart := minutesSinceStart + (longRemainWindow * 60)]
exitLongs[,longExit := 1]
#merge the entry and exit times
myKeys <- c("keys_pair","minutesSinceStart")
dt <- merge(dt,exitLongs,all.x=TRUE)
# no match = no exit
dt[is.na(longExit), longExit := 0]
# if there is an exit and enter, change the exit
dt[longEntry == 1 & longExit == 1, longExit := 0]
#assign a group number to consecutive runs of entries
dt[,grp := rleidv(dt, cols="longEntry")]
dt[,grp1 := paste0(keys_pair,grp)]
dt[, inc := cumsum(longEntry),by=grp1]
dt[, inc1 := cumsum(inc),by=grp1]
# the first entry in the run is a BUY
dt[,buy := 0]
dt[longEntry==1 & inc1 == 1,buy :=1 , by=grp1]
#assign a group number to consecutive runs of exits
dt[,grp := rleidv(dt, cols="longExit")]
dt[,grp1 := paste0(keys_pair,grp)]
dt[, inc := cumsum(longExit),by=grp1]
dt[, inc1 := cumsum(inc),by=grp1]
# The first exit in the run is a SELL
dt[,sell := 0]
dt[longExit==1 & inc1 == 1,sell :=1 , by=grp1]
# Keep just the rows where we are BUYING or SELLING
d1 <- subset(dt,(sell==1 & buy==0 | sell==0 & buy==1),select = c('keys_pair','minutesSinceStart','tradePrice','buy','sell'))
# Make sure each buy is followed by a sell
d1[,prevRowBuy := shift(buy, 1, type="lag") , by=keys_pair]
d1[,prevRowSell := shift(sell, 1, type="lag") , by=keys_pair]
d1 <- subset(d1,prevRowBuy != buy & prevRowSell != sell)
#find the next price (for buy rows it will be the sell price)
d1[,sellPrice := shift(tradePrice, 1, type="lead"), by=keys_pair]
d1[,minutesSinceStartExit := shift(minutesSinceStart, 1, type="lead"), by=keys_pair]
d1[, tradeLength := minutesSinceStartExit - minutesSinceStart]
# now we only need the buy rows as we have the sell time & price
d1 <- subset(d1,buy==1 & !is.na(minutesSinceStartExit))
# long profit estimate (we only have prices for some pairs though)
# this does not include a stoploss calculation
d1[,tradeProfit := ( (sellPrice * (1 - feePerc)) - (tradePrice * (1 + feePerc)) )/ tradePrice]
# generate a submission file
stratName <- 'demo_LongOnly'
d1[,enterTime := minutesSinceStart]
d1[,exitTime := minutesSinceStartExit]
d1[,direction := 1]
d1[,percentPair := 1]
d1[,strategyName := stratName]
d1 <- subset(d1,select = c('keys_pair','enterTime','exitTime','direction','percentPair','strategyName'))